BW Core Assessment

At the University Level, the learning goals are represented by the UNDERGRADUATE LEARNING OBJECTIVE FOR THE BW ADVANTAGE CURRICULUM.  These are assessed yearly by the Assessment Committee following the ADVANTAGE CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT PLAN AND SCHEDULE.   The process used to assess the ULOs is call our Assessment Palooza.  Student Artifacts for the designated ULOs to be assessed for the year are collected in the fall and spring semesters then analyzed by teams of faculty members during the day of Assessment in May. The resulting data are then analyzed and reported by the assessors, Assessment Committee and presented with an Action Plan to the Core Curriculum Committee.


February 1:  ULO2 & ULO6 PRE-ASSIGNMENT information due

April 1: ULO2 & ULO6 POST ASSIGNMENT  information due


Fall 2025:  Instructors teaching SP25 ULO2 & ULO6 courses meet to discuss Palooza results

If you missed the ULO 2 & 6 Workshops, please review the video for an overview of the assessment process for this year!

Student Artifacts (papers) that are assessed at the palooza will be collected from all Spring 2025 courses that map to ULO2 and ULO6.  Click HERE for list of courses and instructors.

ULO 2 Critical Analysis RUBRIC

ULO6 Scientific Literacy RUBRIC

If you teach a Spring 2025 course that maps to ULO2 or ULO6 you are expected to: (a form will be emailed early spring for this information).  Please email Jaimy Dyer ( or Lynn Hulthen ( with questions OR reach out to your Assessment Committee Department representative.

  1. Create a Pre-test assignment to be administered the first 4 weeks of the semester and create a post test assignment to be administered at the end of the semester.  These assignments should be clearly labeled in your Canvas gradebook with the words Pre and Post in the name.
  2. Provide detailed, written instructions for the assignment that are clear to someone assessing the artifacts.