Call for Student Abstracts: Ohio’s Public Health Conference
Celebrating Public Health: People and Purpose
Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center, Lewis Center, Ohio
April 28 - 30, 2025 (Contest date: Tuesday, April 29, 2025)
The Ohio Public Health Association, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Health, Association of Ohio Health Commissioners, Ohio Association of Boards of Health, Ohio Environmental Health Association, and Ohio Society for Public Health Education, is seeking student abstracts for the 2025 Ohio Public Health Conference. The poster/oral presentation contest will be held April 29, 2025, at the Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center, Lewis Center, Ohio. This is an opportunity for students to showcase their research and/or term projects including, for example, program development/evaluation, primary and secondary assessments, exploration of health equity, process improvement) related to the practice of public health in Ohio. Participants must be current students at or recent graduates (Spring 2024 or later) of an Ohio college or university. This opportunity is open to students in ALL majors and professional schools who can connect their work to the practice of public health in Ohio.
Students – both graduates and undergraduates - interested in showcasing their work must submit an abstract, single spaced, of no more than 500 words. The abstract and supporting information listed below must be sent electronically by 11:59 p.m. March 14, 2025, in the noted format. Late abstracts will not be accepted.
Prizes will be awarded in both categories (posters and oral presentations). In addition, selected submissions may have an opportunity to be featured in the Ohio Journal of Public Health. Students can apply for partial or full reimbursement of their travel expenses to/from the conference.
Your abstract must be submitted online using the form below. Submit no later than 11:59 pm March 14, 2025. Please direct all questions to Authors of accepted abstracts must upload their final presentation or poster no later than April 15, 2025.