February 15, 2024
Center for Innovation & Growth
5:00-7:00 p.m.
Interested in making a difference through your career? The Social Impact Career Fair is an excellent opportunity for you to network with representatives from non-profit organizations, government agencies, and b Corporations, and learn about job and internship opportunities. We have invited employers that are hiring for full-time jobs and/or internships at organizations focused on:
· Human and social services
· Educational access, support, and enrichment
(excluding schools and school districts due to our participation in the Northeast Ohio Teacher Education Day (NOTED))
· Public health & healthcare (excluding direct patient care)
· Environmental sustainability
Preparing to interact with employers at the fair is essential. Be sure to polish your resume and attend our Prepping with the Pros-Social Impact Career Fair Edition session to learn what to expect at the fair and practice your professional introduction. Students will also have the opportunity to select professional clothing items and have their resumes reviewed by a professional from one of the companies sponsoring the event. Register for this prep session on Handshake here.