Parking Services serves a variety of functions relating to campus parking.
We issue all parking permits, answer questions/concerns regarding parking citations & special events.
Baldwin Wallace University has numerous parking lots located across campus. There is ample parking but having a parking permit does not guarantee availability of a parking space in the immediate vicinity of your residency, class, office, or workplace. The responsibility for finding a permissible parking space lies with the vehicle operator, and inability to find a permitted space will not be accepted as justification for violating any of the enforced parking regulations.
All Faculty, Staff & Students a required to have a permit to park on BW Campus.
The money generated by all parking fines is transferred to a student scholarship fund and does not benefit the operation of the Parking Department or Baldwin Wallace University.
You must apply for a parking permit at the Parking Permit Store.
Parking permit must be displayed in the interior, bottom left-hand side of the front windshield.
Parking policies are in effect 24x7 365 days a year.
Visitor's spots are never to be used by Faculty, Staff or Students. If you do forget your permit contact our office immediately and park in your normal designated spot.
Parking Services can be found in the first floor of the student union.
Guest Parking:
Guests of students must register with Parking Services to park on campus. Should something happen to the vehicle or need to be moved, registration allows for us to quickly contact the guest.
Guest permit must be displayed in the interior, bottom left-hand side of the dashboard.