Jacket Connect Widgets




What is a widget?

Widgets on Jacket Connect are, essentially, the pre-formatted sections of the websites. Each widget is formatted differently, behave differently, but still contain functional elements that allow you to best tailor your group's website.

See a pre-formatted widget that fits your ideas for the website? Just click and drag it to where you would like it.

Each widget can be customized by adding text, photos, videos, links and more. Each widget can be duplicated, moved within the page or even deleted all together.

Dynamic Widgets will auto-populate with their designated information (e.g., Events, Links, Team, etc.)

While there are dozens of widgets available on Jacket Connect – categorized in the left menu – and we'll highlight some of the more popular widgets that function best for Jacket Connect.

Widget Categories can be found in the Left Menu

Each category provides widgets that are pre-formatted and can provide a specific function (e.g., text, events, photos, links, etc.).

The Text Edit Box is how you can edit your text and other elements within your widgets. For example, you can bold text, in/decrease the size of the font, add a table, add photos, add links and more.

In some widgets, you can duplicate/delete elements within, or you can move, duplicate or delete each widget as a whole.

Feel free to take a test drive through all the categories and explore widgets that may help you.

Like a widget? Simply click on it and drag it over from the menu to your page and it will sit where you leave it. Remember, you can always move widgets within your page using the arrows icon in the top right.

"Dynamic" widgets will auto-populate information. For example, every time you create an event, it will automatically show up in the Dynamic Events widget.

Photos within widgets can be changed by clicking on the photo icon in the bottom right of the photo/widget. If there is no icon, you may use the image icon within the Text Edit Box.

Watch this video for more info on changing photos within widgets.

Tip 1
The image dimensions will be visible in the top right of the photos when you hover over them in Edit mode. Some widgets require proper sizing, while others will fit the photo automatically.

Tip 2
It's a good idea to resize large photos as that will make it easier to work around them in Edit Mode.

Tip 3
You can also add videos with the video icon within the Text Edit Box. All you need is the YouTube or Vimeo link.

Widget Highlights

For Creating Buttons

Features Small 8 is a great widget for creating "Buttons," or links to outside resources. You can also create links to Documents, Surveys, other Groups or Events. With "Features Small 8," you're able to change the background photo of each button, duplicate or delete each button so you can have the number you need, and add hyperlinks:

Features Small 10 is similar to Features Small 8, but with less control over each individual button:

For Creating Text

Section Title 1 (current widget) is good for creating text, including "About Us" information, "Important Dates" information, or just general information that will be centered on the page.

NOTE: By using the "Text Edit Box," you are able to format your font in any widget, including how you would like your text aligned:

either left aligned,

center aligned,

or right aligned.

You may also change the font size to:

Header Font Size

Sub-head Font Size

or Paragraph Size.

You may also use the Text Edit Box to either BOLD or ITALICIZE  your font.

NOTE: While there is no "Underline" text option, you may highlight your text then press "Ctrl-U" ("Command-U" on Mac) to underline.

The Text Edit Box: