Jacket Connect How-To Videos

Jacket Connect Overview

A quick tour of Jacket Connect.

Group Page Settings

A quick overview on how to change your group's settings, including contact email, Mission Statement and social media links. (For group officers only.)

Edit Group Officers

Learn how to add, delete and edit the officers of your group. (For group officers only.)

Quick Edit Your Website

Learn how to quickly edit text on your Jacket Connect website. (For group officers only.)

Change Notification Settings

Learn how to change your notification settings, including how you receive notifications and from which groups.

Change Profile Information & Privacy Settings

Learn how to change your profile and what information you would like displayed on your profile.

Create a Channel on your Group Page

Learn how to create a private Channel so select members can communicate with each other.

Adding Links to your Webpage

Add links to widgets, photos or text.

Add/Change Photos to your Widgets

Some widgets are trickier than others. Here you'll learn how to add and/or change photos the most common ways.

Upload Files

Upload files to your Group and link to them from your Group Page and/or Website.

Update Files

Still have last year's documents on your page? You can simply update last year's to this year's with one easy step.

Post Videos on your Website

Learn how to post videos on your group's webpages, including the best widgets to do so. Note: All videos need either a YouTube or Vimeo link.