How do students take courses at another institution and transfer them back to BW?
Instructions on the process students should use can be found HERE.
Note: Students can transfer up to 60 credits from a 2-year community college and an unlimited amount from 4-year institutions. Keep in mind that all BW residency requirements must be met. These include 45 credits completed at BW, 40% of the major completed at BW, and 6 credits of the minor completed at BW.
How do students make changes to their major/minor/advisor?
Students can make changes to their program via the online Program Change form HERE.
Changes can take from 7-10 Business days to be processed. Students will receive an email when the change is complete.
How many credits is Full-time versus part-time?
Students must be registered for at least 12 credit hours to be considered Full-time. Waitlisted courses do not count towards your credit status.
Students registered for 11 or less credit hours are considered part-time.
How do waitlists work at BW?
If a class is filled, students can join the waitlist in the Student Planning Tool. If a spot becomes available, the system will automatically send an email notification indicating that a seat is open. Students have 24 hours to register for the class via the student planning tool. Failure to register within this timeframe will result in moving to the back of the waitlist line. It is imperative that students check their BW email daily to ensure they can take advantage of any available class seats.
Why can’t I log-into MyRecords?
If you are having trouble logging in to any Baldwin Wallace system, contact the IT Help Desk at (440)826-7000 or visit the IT Help page.
How do I find my registration time?
You can find your registration time in the student planning tool. Go to the My Records home page, click on Student Planning Tool, and then click on #2 Plan and Schedule. The default landing page for your schedule is always the current semester so you will need to use the arrows to move to the semester you want to register for. Your personalized registration date and time will appear. You can watch this quick 1 ½ minute video that demonstrates this and other important registration information by clicking HERE.
How can I find who my Faculty Advisor is?
You can see who your assigned Faculty Advisor is in the Student Planning Tool. From the My Records home page, choose “Student Planning Tool” and click on #2 Plan and Schedule. Your Advisor and a link to their email can be found on the Advising Tab.
You can watch this quick 1 ½ minute video that demonstrates this and other important registration information by clicking HERE.
How do I withdraw or take a leave from BW?
If you want to withdraw from all classes for the semester, you can find the online form in Forms Central HERE. Once logged in, click on Forms and type “Semester Withdrawal/Leave of Absence” in the middle search box. Click on the form, fill it out, and submit. Watch your BW email for instructions on how to make an appointment for an Exit Interview; it’s a simple 5-minute phone call. The interview is required before your withdrawal can be fully processed.
How do I register for classes?
BW students register for classes using the student planning tool software that can be accessed from the My Records home page. If you need a refresher on how to use the Student Planning tool you can watch a video HERE.
Where do I go to drop a class?
You can find links to the online "Class Withdrawal Form" and other registration forms HERE.
If you are a full time student be sure that dropping a class does not take you below 12 credits. You can reach out to Academic Advising at if you have questions or need help. You can also make an appointment using Navigate. Choose Academic Advising as the "Care Unit". Specific directions on making an appointment using Navigate can be found HERE.
Where do I go to add a class?
If you are unable to add the course in the Student Planning Tool, you should complete an Add form and email it to Registration and Records at You can find the Add forms online HERE. This form is a fillable PDF that you complete and email to Registration and Records.
Who should I talk to before dropping or adding a class?
You should start with your assigned Faculty Advsior. You can find their contact information in the Student Planning Tool by going to Plan and Schedule and clicking on the Advising tab. Your advisor will be listed with a clickable link to their email.
Can I plan out the classes I have to take to graduate in 4-years?
Yes! The timeline feature of the student planning tool allows you to plan out classes for future semester in an easy to read format. If you need help with planning courses in your major you can use the "Sample Course Plan" button at the top of your My Progress page. You can watch a video on Sample Course Plans HERE.
If you need a refresher on the basics and other features of the Student Planning Tool you can watch this VIDEO.
Can I see my student’s grades and/or schedule?
BW does not offer a system whereby parents/guardians can access their student's grades or other education records. Under a student's FERPA rights, parents/guardians do not have access to their son or daughter's education records unless financial dependency is verified by the Office of Registration & Records. Students may approve parent/guardian inquiry access during the semester check-in process. Students may also provide their "My Records" log-in information to a parent/guardian, to allow access to their student account, but are not obligated to share that information. Students can grant billing access to their parent/guardian through the "My Records" module. Students may release info to third parties by filling out the Release of Education Records Form.