Need to locate your Onboarding Forms?

Click Here!

You should have received these forms via your personal email after you made your deposit. They are also located on our website:

Once you are on the website, scroll down to the "First-Year Students" section and locate the yellow tab labeled "Onboarding Forms". To log on, please use your personal email and password.

Questions? Call us at (440) 826-2112.

What are these forms and why should I have to fill them out?

As a deposited student, these forms are your next step into becoming a new student and joining the BW community! Completing these forms allows us to gather the information we need to make your Baldwin Wallace experience positive. Please fill them out at your earliest convenience and reach out if you have any questions at (440) 826-2112 or email us at

Form Descriptions

  • Orientation Selection Form

    This is the form will be used to select your orientation date. Fill this our ASAP to get your first-choice orientation. Our orientation dates are as followed: Chose one day to attend!

    June 24th

    June 25th

    June 27th

    July 8th

    July 9th

    July 11th

  • Orientation Liability Form

    For your safety and that of others, we ask that you fill out this form to ensure orientation runs smoothly!

  • Schedule Preference Form

    This form contains a personal inventory of your class preferences and which classes you wish to take. You will also have the option to submit ACT/SAT scores and opt-in to take placement tests. This will allow BW Academic Advisors to prepare a fall semester schedule for you.

  • Health History/Immunization Forms

    This form allows for the Health Center to have insight into your medical and immunization history to best help you.

    Note: this form is not required but highly encouraged. We also understand that this form may take the longest to submit as it requires external sources i.e. doctor's office.

  • Resident/Commuter Housing Form

    This form allows you to declare if you will be living in the residence halls or choosing the commuter life in your first year. If you are going to live in the residence halls, we ask that you fill this our ASAP as you will get a sooner selecting time for your first-year residence hall!

  • Mobile Technology Agreement

    This form describes the various technology policies that BW and it requires a signature agreeing to abide by these policies! It is super quick and easy to fill out.