During the yearlong program, Brain Fellows:
- Explore the nuances related to social change & leadership during weekly meetings, meetings with community leaders and community events
- Read & discuss the themes presented in Leadership for a Better World by Susan R. Komives, Wendy Wagner, & associates, about the "Social Change Model of Leadership."
- Engage with social change agents in the greater community during the annual Community Plunge Day and throughout program meetings and events.
- Attend a state-wide Leadership Conference and multiple local community events
- Determine a social change topic of focus, developing a "Vision Stand" as a culminating project during the Fall Semester.
- During the second semester, participants will create a social change project with the following components:
- Focus on a social change issue
- Collaborate with an organization or group throughout the process
- Create a plan for sustainability; it cannot be a "one & done" program
- Present reflections as a group at the annual Ovation.