Protest Rights, Responsibilities and Safety
The right to peacefully protest is protected by the First Amendment. When choosing whether to participate in a protest, it's important to know your rights and responsibilities and evaluate the goals and risks of this type of action. Advanced preparation doesn't guarantee safety, but can help to reduce risks. There are multiple resources you can look to for safety precautions and tips. Below are a few to help you get started.
Protestor and Organizer Rights courtesy of the American Civil Liberties Union
Safety During Protest by Amnesty International
CNN's Protest Safety and Rights
How to Stay Safe and Healthy During Public Demonstration courtesy of Yale Student Life
Freedom of Expression at Baldwin Wallace University
As an institution of higher education founded on the value of inclusion and believing that our diversity is an enduring strength of BW, we value the vibrant exchange of ideas among all members of our community.
This founding principle is represented by a community of individuals who demonstrate respect and care for each other. Meaningful dialogue regarding issues and concerns raised by members of the University community is a vehicle to help us better celebrate what we hold in common and to respect and understand our differences. Respecting the right of each individual to express his or her beliefs and ideas, we expect that this dialog will occur peacefully and in non-violent ways.
To this end, freedom of speech and expression is valued throughout the community. This is true for all speech except that which violates the rights of others to live and learn in a safe environment free from discrimination, harassment or threat of physical harm, is unlawful, violates University policy, is destructive to property or is grossly offensive on matters that are outlined in the University's non-discrimination standards.
At times, the expression of free speech may take place in the form of organized efforts to communicate a perspective publicly. In exercising free speech, the University requires that demonstrations (including, but not limited to, protests, sit-ins or rallies) be officially sponsored and registered with the University and must adhere to all University policies.
The use of Baldwin Wallace campus facilities for demonstration events or the assistance of Baldwin Wallace staff in providing guidance to students does not imply acceptance or endorsement by the University of the views expressed.
Event Registration
• All areas of the demonstration registration form must ideally be completed at least (2) business days prior to the event to provide notice of the planned protest, rally or demonstration.
• This notice allows university staff to work with student organizers to ensure the event meets the guidelines of BW and local policies, as well as to provide assistance in order to enhance the learning experience related to protest and demonstration involvement.
BW Student Handbook handbook.pdf
Guidelines for Events
Only Baldwin Wallace students, faculty, staff or recognized BW campus groups/organizations may register and facilitate demonstrations on University property.
Demonstrations led by those who are not Baldwin Wallace students, faculty or staff are not permitted on University property. If any individuals who are not members of the University community are invited by a University community member to participate in the demonstration on campus, the University expects those individuals to abide by this policy as well, or face a possible range of actions, including, but not limited to, removal from campus and/or possible criminal action.
Groups demonstrating must clearly indicate to their organization, media, and audience that the views and opinions expressed through the demonstration are not necessarily the views and opinions of Baldwin Wallace University, its students, alumni, employees, partners or contractors. Students participating in demonstrations represent themselves and not the University.
All questions about demonstrations and the opinions and views presented through demonstrations should be directed to University Relations. This includes academic and co-curricular activities which are scheduled on campus.
Campus security will define appropriate demonstration areas in relation to access to buildings and flow of pedestrians to and from an event.
Organizers are expected to follow campus policies related to event signage and noise (following city of Berea quiet hours).
Organizers are responsible for complete clean-up of the event space, or may face fines or additional repercussions.
Conduct that will not be tolerated during demonstrations and protests
Protesters may neither impede nor harass individuals wishing to attend a class or event, or to see or hear a speaker/performer.
Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person, including but not limited to, causing bodily harm to an individual; making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual; reckless disregard for the health or safety of any person or any threat or physically threatening behavior which creates reasonable fear for a person's safety.
Damage to personal or campus property.
If demonstration participants choose to engage in activity that does not prioritize safety or respect University property, the attendees generally will be warned before being asked to leave the event. However, if a significant concern about the safety of any community member or the University as a whole arises, as determined by Safety and Security or University administration, the University may remove a participant or terminate the event without first issuing a warning.