Student Leadership Opportunities

Student Leadership is at the heart of all Brain Center for Community Engagement programs.

Each year over 40 student leaders are selected to develop and facilitate Brain Center programs such as: Weekly Programs, Alternative Breaks, Campus Kitchen Project, and Special Project Team.

Requirements for all Student Leadership positions:

  • Minimum GPA 2.5
  • Attendance at monthly Brain Center student leadership meetings (1 Tuesday per month at Noon)
  • Attendance at 1 overnight, weekend team leadership retreat per semester (September & January)
  • Attendance at required all-Brain Center events such as Saturday of Service and Social Change Summit
Alternative Breaks Team: Trip Leader

The Alternative Break experience provides BW students with the opportunity to break from the norm and spend their college break serving with other students, exploring social justice issues and community assets in various parts of the country. Trip leader positions are available for Alternative Weekend, Fall, Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring and Summer Breaks. *Note: applicants must have participated with an Alternative Break trip in order to be considered for a trip leader position.

Applications Closed

Campus Kitchen at BWU Leadership

The Campus Kitchen at BW is a student-run hunger relief program that works to prevent food from going to waste, by turning it into nutritious meals for those who are struggling with food insecurity in our community. In the process, we are developing student leaders and empowering them to create programs that open pathways between college and community. It's student-powered hunger relief. Leadership team positions include: Student Director, Community Partner Relations, Volunteer Coordinator, Business Relations Coordinator and Beyond the Meal Coordinator.

Applications Closed

College Explorations Student Director

Since September of 2011, Brain Center's College Explorations Team (CET) has offered the opportunity for groups of middle school aged students to visit BW and learn about college. The idea is to expose students to a college campus at a young age to encourage them to see college as a possibility and start preparing now. Visits include a question and answer session with a panel of college students, a brief presentation on preparing for college, and a campus tour. The CET Student Director is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the College Explorations middle school visits from scheduling schools, recruiting and training volunteers, to facilitating the program on the day of each visit.

Applications Closed

Jackets Engaged: Political Engagement Team

Jackets Engaged: Political Engagement Team is a non-partisan group of student leaders working together to increase BW students' engagement in elections & politics, and understanding of how they affect them and our community.

Applications Closed

Super Saturdays

Super Saturdays are small non-commitment service projects that occur 2-3 times each semester. Projects vary by month. With the guidance of Brain Center's Associate Director, the Super Saturday coordinator selects the projects, recruits participants, leads each project, and facilitates reflection. The Super Saturday Coordinator meets with the Brain Center Associate Director 1-2 times per month and like all Brain Center Team members, the they are required to attend monthly Brain Team meetings (Noon on Tuesdays), participate in 1 overnight leadership retreat per semester and assist with major Brain Center events such as Pack Away Hunger and Saturday of Service.

Applications Closed

SERVE (Students Engaging Reflecting and Volunteering Every year)

SERVE is a group of 6-10 students that work collaboratively to coordinate annual, large-scale service projects or events that aim to engage the entire campus in service. Each member acts as the main coordinator for one of the projects, as well as assisting with others. Projects include Saturday of Service, Super Saturdays, Gift Drive, MLK Day of Learning, Sock & Underwear Drive, and Leave it Behind.

Accepting Applications

Weekly Program Coordinators

Weekly Program Coordinators are responsible for all aspects of leading a weekly program at an established service site. Duties include serving as a liaison between Brain Center and the community partner, recruiting service participants, planning and facilitating reflection, and driving students to and from the service site if applicable (BW van provided). Weekly Program Coordinators will meet as a group 1-2 times per month (Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m.). Like all Brain Center Team Members, Weekly Program Coordinators participate in monthly All-Brain Center Team meetings (Tuesdays 12:00 p.m.), an overnight retreat once per semester, and Brain Center special events such as Saturday of Service

Accepting Applications