Resources for Faculty & Staff

  • How do I find my students’ Chosen Names/Pronouns?

    You can access this information in the roster for your classes in My Records.

    -Login to My Records
    -Click on Faculty
    -Click on the link for any of your courses to see the roster. If a student has selected a chosen name and/or identified specific pronouns that they would like people to use to refer to them, they will be listed in the roster (the pronouns will be listed under the name).

    It’s important to check the roster in My Records. If you’ve printed out a photo roster, DO make sure that you transfer this information.

    If a student has disclosed a Chosen Name/Pronoun via BW's Chosen Name Policy, going forward, this information will also populate in the roster in Canvas.

    -Login to Canvas
    -Click on a specific course
    -Click on People

  • What if a student has not disclosed a Chosen Name/Pronoun?

    Because many students do not yet know about BW’s Chosen Name/Pronoun Policy, it is a good idea to ask students, if they’re comfortable, to include the pronouns that they would like people to use to refer to them as a part of first-day introductions for your classes. It’s a good idea to model such an introduction yourself.

    It is very important to make sure that your classroom is a space where trans and nonbinary students feel seen and respected. A big part of that is making sure students are referred to appropriately. The first step is creating a space in which everyone can, if they are comfortable, disclose their pronouns. Once you know trans and nonbinary students’ pronouns, please use them! They’ve entrusted you with important information about who they are!

  • What should I do if I accidentally misgender someone?

    If you accidentally use the wrong pronouns to refer to a student, stop yourself, apologize, and move on, committing to use the student’s pronouns going forward. Resist the urge to offer rationalizations or excuses for your mistake. Don’t make it about you. Apologize and move forward trying to use the student's pronouns correctly.

  • How can I get better at using students' pronouns?

    When you meet a trans or nonbinary student for the first time, silently say their pronouns in your head after the introduction, so that you come to associate these pronouns with the student. Subsequently, when you think about that student or want to refer to them in class or when speaking with colleagues about the student, silently say their pronouns in your head first, so that your brain is reminded that this is the bank of pronouns that you will draw on when referring to this person. It helps a lot; eventually, you don’t need to think about the student’s pronouns before you refer to them. Your brain knows their pronouns!

  • How can I better support lesbian, gay, bi, pan, queer, and other sexual orientation minorities in my classes?

    Know that 21% of Generation Z identifies as LGBTQ+. At BW, we have reason to believe that an even larger percentage of our students identify under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. Make sure that the language that you use in and out of the classroom doesn't assume that all students are straight because they're not. When possible, use gender inclusive language and examples in your classes.

  • Does BW offer an LGBTQ+ inclusion training?

    Yes! Watch the Faculty and Staff Message Board in Jacket Connect for an invitation to Safe Zone training. BW usually offers two Safe Zone training sessions a semester for faculty and staff.

  • How can I work to advance LGBTQ+ inclusion at BW?

    Contact Ana de Freitas Boe, Coordinator of LGBTQ+ Services, to find out about joining BW's LGBTQ+ Task Force, a group of students, staff, and faculty who work to advance LGBTQ+ inclusion at BW! For more information, email Ana at